I was born in 1983 from a U.S. mother and Italian father. I have lived most of my life in Italy but also two years in Los Angeles as a child and one in Shanghai as an adult. I have a Master’s degree in Architecture and I do a bunch of different things, but none of them involve architecture. Nevertheless my architectural background has strongly helped shape the way I deal with projects and given me the obession for process design. This, alongside my interest for communication represents the common ground for all the differet kinds of work I do.
I mostly find my projects hard to label. Sometimes they are easier to decribe as product design projects, others as communication projects or art projects.
I feel the borders are really blurry though. That’s why on my homepage they’re just devided between concept based and aesthetic based. You might have noticed that extreme photo retouching is a tool I use a lot to obtain images for many of my projects. But I also enjoy working with vectors, 3D modeling, lo-fi animation and working with my hands.