February 2nd 2022, Benedetta Cucci presents “Televideo Racing Club” on Italian newspaper Il Resto del Carlino
January 11th 2022, Shogo Jimbo and Yoshiki A Sano present Televideo Racing Club on Drivethru.jp
March 19th 2020, interviewed by Meghna Metha for the Indian online magazine StirWorld

March 19th 2019, the popular Instagram project by Debra Lynn Manville features three images from my Neon Liberalism project.

June 5th 2018, the 1milliondiamons page by Debra Lynn Manville features three images from my Iconoplastica project.

May 22nd 2019, Sneakered is presented to the readers of Etapes magazine in an article about by Laurent Catala.
March 27th 2017, Sneakered featured on Cosmopolitan in an article by Guia Rossi
March 23rd 2017, Sneakered featured on Millionaire
March 12th 2017, Sneakered is presented in an article by Valentina Mariani on Elle Decor
March 6th 2017, Sneakered is presented in an article by Filippo Piva on GQ Italia
March 2nd 2017, Sneakered on Designboom
February 26th 2017, Sneakered is presented to the readers of the US, UK, Australian and Italian editions of Vice by Andrew Nunes
February 12th 2017, Sneakered featured in an article by Ole Reißmann on Bento, the Spiegel’s portal dedicated to fashion, trends and culture.
February 10th 2017, Sneakered featured on Darlin
February 3rd 2017, Sneakered featured on ilPost in an article by Gabriele Gargantini
February 1st 2017, an article by Simone Sbarbati presents Sneakered to the readers of FrizziFrizzi
February 1st 2017, Sneakered is on Huffington Post Italy
January 28th – June 29th 2022, Velocipedia in the catalog of “Das Gehirn. In Kunst & Wissenschaft” exhibit held at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn (Germany)
May 2019, Velocipedia IRL in the catalog of the Gorillas in our Midst exhibit held at MONA, Hobart (Tasmania)

November 26th 2020, Velocipedia and Velocipedia IRL appear on Salute magazine in an article by Francesco Franchi

June 2017, Velocipedia is featured on a two page article by Christine Moosmann in Novum World of Graphic Design
February 15th 2017, Velocipedia on NZZ Folio

October 2016, Velocipedia on Dienacht – Magazine for Photography, Design and Subculture

November 2016, Velocipedia in an article by Alexandra Dinter on the Brazilian edition of Trip Magazine

October 2016, Velocipedia in an article by Alexandra Dinter on the German edition of Trip Magazine

November 2016, Velocipedia featured in the catalog of the Bringológia // Bikeology exhibit being held in Budapest at the Iparművészeti Múzeum.
March 19th 2018, Velocipedia featured on RedBull‘s corporate website in an interview by Marco Trabucchi
March 19th 2018, Velocipedia featured on RedBull‘s corporate website in an interview by Marco Trabucchi
March 30th 2017, Velocipedia featured on the Spanish paper El Pais
March 24th 2017, Velocipedia on Spanish magazine Yorokobu in an article by David Garcia
June 19th 2016, Velocipedia is featured on Dezeen in an article by Liam Tilbrook
May 29th 2016, I was interviewed bout Velocipedia by Beckett Mufson for Vice’s “The Creators Project”
May 14th 2016, Velocipedia on Wired Japan
April 20th 2016, Velocipedia is featured on Fast Company in an article by John Brownlee
April 19th 2016, Velocipedia in an article by Rachel Krishna on BuzzFeed
April 18th 2016, an article about Velocipedia by Ana Swanson is published on the Washington Post
April 18th 2016, Velocipedia is featured in an article by Ana Swanson on the Washington Post
April 18th 2016, Velocipedia on the BBC website
April 16th 2016, Velocipedia on the website of the German paper Bild
April 15th 2016, Velocipedia is on the first page of Reddit
April 14th 2016, Velocipedia on Wired.com
April 10th 2016, Velocipedia on Huffington Post Quebec.
April 10th 2016, Velocipedia on Huffington Post France.
April 10th 2016, Velocipedia on Designboom China.
April 8th 2016, Velocipedia on Designboom.
April 9th 2016, il Post features Velocipedia with an article by Gabriele Gargantini
April 2nd 2016, after four of the bikes from Velocipedia were picked as backdrops for the Wetransfer download page, Rob Alderson dedicates a blog post to the project on the Wetransfer Blog
March 31st 2016, Huffington Post Italy is the first news outlet to present Velocipedia, with an article by Giacomo Galanti
January 2016, Senpoints Publishing features my illustrations and posters for the “Leggerezze Metafisiche” project by Gianluca Muscas.
February 22nd 2016, fatured again on Esprit Design with my Circo Minimo project

November 27th 2015, one of my 2014 works from the Totemism series is featuredInside the Texworld Yearbook.

April 2015, Totemism on the French magazine Residences Decoration

November 25th 2014, Totemism is featured on the (now closed) South African edition of Elle Decoration
July 25th 2014, interviewed for FrizziFrizzi by Simone Sbarbati, founder of the blog
October 5th 2013, Instagamb is featured on Huffington Post – Italy.
September 29th 2013, Instagamb is on FrizziFrizzi.
April 30th 2011, my limited edition ceramic fruitbowl is on the French blog Esprit Design

December 2008, my first feature ever is an article by professor Jacopo Piccione on PleinAir Market dedicated to the thesis project I developed in collaboration with Emanuele Monti.