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L’utopie du tout liege

HomeConcept BasedL’utopie du tout liege

L’utopie du tout liege

The title of this project mimics a famous French book that documents plastic products of the space age.
The project consists of  “utopian tableware items” in which a cork element is used on each piece, always with a different  function, be it thermic insulation, grip or drop-stopping.

The pictures document the prototypes I developed for MIRO architects who commissioned the project.

I decided to pair cork with white ceramic and blue glass and then zoomed in on three different moments of the day:  there are three objects with breakfast in mind, three for aperitivo and three for lunch and dinner.

breakfast: an espresso cup, a coffee plate and a creamer

aperitivo: a container for breadsticks, one for pistachios and an ice bucket

lunch and dinner: Oil and vinegar bottles, salt and pepper shakers

L’utopie du tout liege exhibited at Miro Gallery

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